Thursday, January 22, 2015

Iceland and United Kingdom

Given my penchant for warm weather, one might be led to believe I was not myself when I booked a trip that ultimately followed the winter season around the globe. I couldn’t be happier with how it all panned out. 

Next up was Iceland and apart from getting a glimpse of the northern lights, I didn’t have too much of a plan for exploring the mysterious country. Little did I know that I was in for one of those moments that all just come together: I was fortunate enough to meet Jackie, Jordan, Debbie and Hunter. Together we rented a 4x4 and explored as far and wide as we could given the precious few hours of light we were granted each day so far north of the equator. What we saw was truly incredible and naturally only transfixed a desire to return in another season. Soon.

With only a couple of days to go until Christmas, I was glad to be family bound - Scotland for the festive season. Anne and Alistair took care of me while Dominic finished up work, and then it was time for another onslaught of food. It should be noted that being a ‘poor’ traveller is not necessarily the worst position in which to be this time of year as all seem to take pity and smother one in gifts and generosity. I don’t think I’ve done that well with gifts since I was around eight years old. Unfortunately with the comfort of family and friends I let the photographic evidence slide a bit, so have to make do with the patchy recollection of the final chapter.

Me, Debbie, Jordan, Jackie and Hunter at Solfar in Reykjavik, Iceland
Exploring the spectacular scenery
Hallgrimskirkja Church in Reykjavik
Gullfoss Waterfall
Geyser bursting out of the ground.
That's a person for scale to the right
Slightly different beach experience
The rugged and raw beauty
Truly spectacular
Skogafoss Waterfall, Iceland
Snow like polystyrene on the black sand beach
Sun shining down on Reykjavik
Great weather at Dunnottar Castle
Deserted Scottish beach

Braving the elements for a view of Loch Muick
St Andrews Cathedral ruins 
Judi, Dominic and me, St Andrews

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

USA Part 2

When I originally booked my Round the World ticket, Phil and Aimee were living in Chicago and so naturally I included a stop off with them on my itinerary. Subsequent to my departure, however, they got married in South Africa (inconvenient) and move to Salt Lake City (inconvenient). They're just lucky they showed me such a good time. We hung out, caught a Jazz vs Bulls game, went cross country skiing, snow boarding, I walked their beloved pets often and we shared a lovely Thanksgiving.

Next up was Atlanta where I stayed with Grant and Steph who took me in to their lovely home and again I was shown a great time for a few days before heading out to New York. We enjoyed some incredible live blues, I explored the city, art galleries as usual, trekking and some general hanging out.

New York was as expected. High paced, the streets cast in shadow by sky scrapers and it seems movies and pictures have portrayed a fair depiction of the city. Brooklyn was a welcome respite after an intense few days in Manhattan, and I enjoyed the different spin on life and landscape there.

I struggled to narrow down the pics, so please excuse the onslaught:

Semi-frozen dam at the park, Salt Lake City
Cross-country skiing with Phil
Jazz vs Bulls - cracker of a game came down to the buzzer
Walking the dogs in the hills surrounding the city
Thanksgiving dinner - too much good food
Snowboarding is just the best fun
Grungy Blues scene, Atlanta 
Clambering up the rock for a view of Atlanta at sunset
Old railway bridge converted into a park
Iconic NYC
Brooklyn Bridge
The NYC team at Times Square
North Tower memorial site
The Guggenheim - I forgot my skates
The Met did not disappoint