Tuesday, December 9, 2014

USA Part I

Following my introduction to North America through Canada, it was time to make my way down the coast to Seattle and on to San Francisco where I’d be meeting up with Dominic for a week of fun, exploring and my birthday. He does indeed get extra points for being the only one to make it to my birthday party.

I caught the train down to Seattle where I spent a couple days exploring as much of the city as I could and taking in some of the history and beautiful views. Although a couple of days is not nearly enough, I did get a really good feeling abut the coffee crazed city and thoroughly enjoyed my time there.

The train down to San Francisco was as scenic as anticipated and a great chance to see some of the beautiful countryside. The city was every bit as picturesque and awesome as I had hoped; naturally meeting up with Dominic added to the vibe. We saw some of the sights, ate amazing food, drank good coffee and beer and generally enjoyed a great holiday. The three day trip to Yosemite was truly amazing and we enjoyed exploring the park and doing some hiking - my absolute best. I could not have asked for a better way to see in the next decade of my life except perhaps to have shared the experience with more friends and family.

Such a beautiful part of the world warrants far more illustration than prose, so I’ll leave it at that.

The space Needle, Seattle
View from the Public Market, Seattle
Golden Gate, San Francisco
Golden Gate, San Francisco
The brotherhood at San Francisco City Hall
Alcatraz, San Francisco
Half Dome, Yosemite
Enjoying the view, Yosemite
Amazing beer and bread at Tartine, San Francisco
Pancake anticipation at Lori's Diner, San Francisco
Riding the Trolley, San Francisco
Judah Street, San Francisco
Enjoying a beer on Judah Street, San Francisco

Friday, December 5, 2014

Vancouver, Canada

It’s been a while since I posted a travel update and my computer, in part, is to blame after bombing out for a couple of months. I take the rest of the blame for the neglect as I enjoyed ‘living’ in Vancouver, catching up with my brother and other good friends. But more of that later.

It seems so long ago that I was welcomed by the esteemed Jonny Cash to one of the most desirable cities to live in in the world, Vancouver. As far as cool/hip/hipster people go, Cash is among the top and his top-notch girlfriend Evelyn completes the package. They welcomed me to their home and were brilliant hosts for what turned out to be a month of living in their lounge on their very comfortable sleeper-couch. I spent a large portion of my time in Nelson the Seagull enjoying the amazing bread and coffee (all other bread has been ruined for me now). Tea is still a big part of my life but I finally understand all the hype around a good cup of coffee. I’m not much of a foodie, but we did sample some amazing coffee shops, delis, restaurants, bars etc. some on more than one occasion.

Due to the time of year it rained a fair amount while I was there, but we still did our best to make the most of it and experience the city and the surrounding area. Leisurely mornings hanging out in coffee shops, watching the Canucks do battle on the ice, the various Thanksgiving celebrations, the much celebrated Halloween and a short visit to Summerland are some of the memories I won’t forget.

The Canadians are indeed as friendly as their preceding reputation indicates and it’s definitely not the last I’ve seen of the exceptionally enticing city. 

Drinking Beer at Six Acres before ordering an amazing meal of food
Nelson the Seagull after hours
Canucks lost this one, but still managed to capture a new avid supporter in me
Fall really is this spectacular
Hiking in Lynn Valley
Prematch before Halloween partying
The barfing peppers - a reasonable effort by the RSA contingent
Vancouver Rowing Club
Vancouver enjoying a sunny day
Thanks Ev and Cash for a great time